Dear Valued Linksys Customer,

I really apologize for the inconvenice this has caused you. I have attached a document on changing the WAN MAC address of the router for your reference. You may also refer to the link for more information. http://www.practicallynetworked.com/support/linksys_router_help.htm#WAN_MAC

I hope this helps! Again, my apologies regarding the inconvenience. I hope you'd understand. Have a nice day!

If you have further questions, please contact us at (800) 326-7114 or send us an eMail at support@linksys.comso that we may further assist you." Please use this phone number given as reference for future support calls.



Product Support Representative


E-mail address:mailto:<xxxx.xxxxxx@linksys.com>

Website: <http://www.linksys.com/

Firmware: http://www.linksys.com/download/firmware.asp

Linksys Drivers: http://www.linksys.com/download/

Network Everywhere: http://www.networkeverywhere.com/

Network Everywhere Drivers: http://www.networkeverywhere.com/downloads.html

Tech Helper: http://www.linksys.com/tech_helper/default.html

If you are responding to this e-mail, please attach all previous 

correspondence as a point of reference.

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxxxxxxxxx [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sunday, July 14, 20028:52 AM
To: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX; support@linksys.com
Cc: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Trouble configuring WAN port on Linksys BEFSR41

Please forward this to a senior support advisor or supervisor. 

My question was and still is, how can I change the IP/Netmask used on
the WAN port of the router. 

This has absolutely nothing to do with DHCP.  All of my IP addresses are static and
that is the way I want them.  End of discussion on that issue. 

As for the speedstream, the default address is indeed, however, I am not using
the default address.  Why this is so is none of your concern.  Don't worry about it and don't
try to convince me to change it.  Stop trying to make this someone elses problem and answer
my question. 

Why do you continue to refuse to answer my question?  The question is very simple,
very straight forward.  It has nothing to do with configuring any other device or system,
all I want is a simple yes or no answer  to the question, yet you seem incapabile of
providing an answer that even relates to the question. 

I will give you and Linksys one last operatunity to answer the question properly answer the
question.  After that, this and all other correspondances go into the public domain......

xxxxx xxxxxx 


Dear Valued Linksys Customer,
Thank you again for contacting Linksys Customer Support. I am sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.You may disable the DHCP function of the router. The IP address was specified by the Speedstream with regards to configuring their modem to our router. It will be advisable that you seek assistance to them if the address can be changed other than 10.0.0x. Again, my apologies for the inconvenience.

If you have further questions, please contact us at (800) 326-7114 or send us an eMail at support@linksys.comso that we may further assist you." Please use this phone number given as reference for future support calls.



Product Support Representative


E-mail address:mailto:<xxxx.xxxxxx@linksys.com>

Website: <http://www.linksys.com/

Firmware: http://www.linksys.com/download/firmware.asp

Linksys Drivers: http://www.linksys.com/download/

Network Everywhere: http://www.networkeverywhere.com/

Network Everywhere Drivers: http://www.networkeverywhere.com/downloads.html

Tech Helper: http://www.linksys.com/tech_helper/default.html

If you are responding to this e-mail, please attach all previous 

correspondence as a point of reference.

-----Original Message-----
Sent:Thursday, July 11, 20025:30 AM
Subject: Re: Trouble configuring WAN port on Linksys BEFSR41

I am trying to make clear the fact that I do not want to use 

I have a pre-existing setup and I want the Linksys router to fit into this setup.
I do not want to use dynamic allocation (DHCP) because of the numerous problems
this causes.  I am running a web server and cannot use DHCP in combination with the
forwarding to a fixed IP address supported by the router.  I am not using the basic
setup on the Speedstream 5660. 

All I need is a simple yes or no answer to the question: 

Can I change the IP address the WAN port communicates to/from to
something other than

Please, just a yes or no answer to the above - that is all I am asking for.


xxxxx xxxxxx 


Dear Valued Linksys Customer,

Thank you againfor contacting Linksys Customer Support. The basic configuration of the Speadstream 5660 DSL modem with IPSec Routers such as Linksys, Set all the computers to "obtain IP address automatically" and Gateway to and DNS server to Reboot the computers. The router will dynamically allocate IPs to your computers. 

To give every computer a static IP, set the IP to 10.0.0.x (x=any number between 2 and 255 but not 192), the subnet mask to and then if you feel like it disable the 5660's DHCP server.The 5660 is a router. It does NAT. It can be configured as a (primitive) firewall with IP filtering. It has PPPoE/PPPoA built in. It does IP routing and masks multiple LAN IPs (i.e. several computers) onto one WAN IP. It can behave as a DHCP server. It can be a DNS server. So, you may best disable the DHCP capabilities of the modem.

Hope this helps ! Have a nice day!

If you have further questions, please contact us at (800) 326-7114 or send us an eMail at support@linksys.comso that we may further assist you." Please use this phone number given as reference for future support calls.



Product Support Representative


E-mail address:mailto:<xxxx.xxxxxx@linksys.com>

Website: <http://www.linksys.com/

Firmware: http://www.linksys.com/download/firmware.asp

Linksys Drivers: http://www.linksys.com/download/

Network Everywhere: http://www.networkeverywhere.com/

Network Everywhere Drivers: http://www.networkeverywhere.com/downloads.html

Tech Helper: http://www.linksys.com/tech_helper/default.html

If you are responding to this e-mail, please attach all previous 

correspondence as a point of reference.

-----Original Message-----
Sent:Wednesday, July 10, 20026:36 AM
To: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX; Support@linksys.com
Subject: Re: Trouble configuring WAN port on Linksys BEFSR41

This does not even attempt to address my question.  How do I set
the IP address on the WAN port?  What you sent me was just useless
in reguards to my question. 

Please, send this to a senior sipport supervisor. 

XXXXX xxxxxx 


Dear Valued Linksys Customer,

Thank you for contacting Linksys Customer Support.With regards to your difficulty, you may try doing the following:

1. Make sure Linky Router says "disconnected" in status Page

(after trying to connect at least Once !)

2. Plug PC back into DSL Modem directly

3. Give it a few seconds since it will search for DHCP again

(or power off/on modem)

4. Sign in to ameritech through computer with your PPPoE software(sometimes you have to reboot, but very rarely)

5. Disconnect PPPoE on computer

6a. RE-Plug DSL Modem BACK into WAN port on router.

6b. Re-Plug PC into Router

7. HIT Connect on Status Page on router

8. You should now show "STATUS:Connected"

9. Release and renew IP to get DNS for PC-and open another browser window should go straight to Home page.

If you ever turn off the modem, you have to do this again !

Hope this helps1 Have a nice day!

If you have further questions, please contact us at (800) 326-7114 or send us an eMail atsupport@linksys.com so that we may further assist you." Please use this phone number given as reference for future support calls.



Product Support Representative


E-mail address:mailto:<xxxx.xxxxxx@linksys.com>

Website:<http://www.linksys.com/ >


Linksys Drivers: http://www.linksys.com/download/

Network Everywhere:http://www.networkeverywhere.com/

Network Everywhere Drivers:http://www.networkeverywhere.com/downloads.html

Tech Helper:http://www.linksys.com/tech_helper/default.html

If you are responding to this e-mail, please attach all previous

correspondence as a point of reference.

-----Original Message-----
Sent:Tuesday, July 09, 20029:09 PM
To: linksys support
Subject: Trouble configuring WAN port on Linksys BEFSR41

Is it required that the IP address of the Ethernet

port on the DSL "modem" be ?  The speedstream is currently

using an

address of for the ethernet port .  The Linksys does not


to have any way to indicate this address.  It does seem to work when I


it to on my Speedstream 5660 DSL modem (really a bridge).  For


WAN port on the Linksys to be able to talk to the Ethernet port on the

Speedstream, they must both have addresses

in the same network.  What is the IP address for the WAN port when


to the DSL modem?  It must be 10.x.y.z as long as it is not and


netmask must be - can I change this?

I have a small network with one system running Windows 2000 and one


Windows XP Professional.  The linksys is a BEFSR41.
